Sedia membantu anda!

Hai, saya Emillia pengedar Shaklee anda di Bukit Beruntung, Bukit Sentosa, Rasa, Serendah & Rawang. Penghantaran ke seluruh Malaysia.

I'm Emillia Your Shaklee Independent Distributor at Bukit Beruntung, Bukit Sentosa, Rasa, Serendah & Rawang. Delivery throughout Malaysia.

"Ya Allah! Sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu daripada kesusahan dan kesedihan; aku berlindung kepada-Mu daripada kelemahan dan kemalasan; aku berlindung kepada-Mu daripada sifat pengecut dan bakhil; dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu daripada beban hutang dan kekerasan manusia."

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Kurus dengan Vivix


Tahu tak kenapa VIVIX dikatakan mampu menurunkan berat badan?pernah dengar Resveratrol? Dah terlalu banyak kajian dilakukan dan rasanya para doktor cukup familiar dengan term ni..Resveratrol ni mampu menurunkan berat badan secara natural dengan 3 cara:
  1. The 1st way that this supplement promotes weight loss is byspeeding up the metabolism. When the metabolism begins to run optimally, users will burn more calories, leading to natural weight loss. This can help users lose weight, without significantly reducing their normal caloric intake, which often leads to feelings of deprivation.
  2. The 2nd way that resveratrol supplements help users lose weight is bybreaking down existing fat cells. This supplement helps to naturally destroy existing fat deposits, while using these fat cells as energy. This will not only lead to weight loss, but the loss of pure fat, instead of muscle mass and other tissue.
  3. The 3rd way that resveratrol supports weight loss is by suppressing estrogen, which both men and women naturally produce. When a high level of estrogen is present, the body will store a larger amount of fat. When this hormone is suppressed, the body will stop storing fat and will begin building more muscle.
My VIVIX testimonial is that it seems to have increased my metabolism! I am able to eat more like a regular person and still stay thin (in fact I’ve lost about 3 pounds), instead of eating like a bird and working out all the time! One of the David Sinclair videos on You Tube shows him saying that the ingredients seemed to offset obesity in laboratory rats even on a high calorie diet! I’m definitely not on a high calorie diet, but like I said, I seem to be able to actually eat regular amounts now.-Barbara Heller 
Itu caranya resveratrol bertindak..dan tahukah anda:
Dan ini pula testimoni dari Noor Syuhada,


#Ingin menjana pendapatan 3-5 angka hanya dari rumah?     
#Anda sedang mencari produk kesihatan untuk anda dan seisi keluarga?
#Anda mencari konsultasi terbaik dari pengedar produk kesihatan anda?

Saya sedia membantu!!
Lots of love, 

Emi | 0132226473
Shaklee ID | 1102784
Pearl V-TA
When Health Matters Most

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